Friday, April 19, 2013


Was able to talk about elephant with a couple of people today. It came up randomly, one of the other people had similar issues, the other said that she couldn't tell. It was a relief.

You know, I like to say I don't believe in fate, but it was certainly fortuitous that I got this book at the library right after seeing August: Osage County, right after all those issues coming up from me, and then had all these random conversations.  Still it's a bit like falling down a rabbit hole. Like I said, I thought I dealt with a lot of this in my 20's, but then there's this other layer now and I'm pretty sure there were some confrontations in my 20's, so maybe when I work through this stuff I'll figure out who I need to tell this to, 'cos I'm confused with this one.  And I can't continue to protect everyone at the expense of myself. And all this going on, I had a really good afternoon: saw a band I liked, in the pouring rain; ate food I really like (and they made it without the ingredient that I'm allergic to) and read; and am now listening to a cool radio show. (And I can go to sleep if I want to, and not on the bus.)

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