Friday, April 12, 2013

More on that

Which I guess is true of life in general, but there's a certain added pressure to open up, to grow, when you're accountable to each other in a performance group situation.  At some point, you have to be real, and because everyone mostly agrees to that, it's a safe place to do it.

Personally, I've been becoming better acquainted with the really large elephant that showed up for me in voice class. 'Bout time, I suppose. It follows me around now, but at least I can see it, learn to understand what it wants, where it came from.  Trying to keep an eye on it, so it doesn't surprise, have me cry on strangers. I haven't a clue how to get to the bottom of it, but I'm working with what I got. Daily. (And it's not horrible, just a reaction I have that I don't understand. Not the raving lunatic one, I understand that one.)

Here's another Aztec Camera song: Mattress of Wire

Speaking of wordy, I feel like I am in the midst of so much chaos.  Sometimes I feel like giving up and going back to the way things were, but 1) it wouldn't be possible anyway, and 2) while it was the devil I knew, it wasn't really working for me.

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