Sunday, May 25, 2014

After class

All I can say is "wow."  Went to a very interesting place in the improv work today.  3+ hour of animal and character work.  So, yes, the animal choice was fine for the character (goat, for the record), and then my partner said something (an unintentional lie-he didn't realize it wasn't true when he said it) that set me off on a very strong objective, and there was no going off of it, I pursued it (even to a point of desperation, even to the point of "crazy") to the end.  I don't know that I've ever pursued anything so powerfully, so single-mindedly, not in life, and certainly not on stage.  And it was the character, though it struck some nerve in me, as well.  Powerful.  Wild to me that the character can speak so loudly.  Even when I thought maybe it was contrived, it became true.  And then by the time we rehearsed, it was gone, and I felt kinda lost on stage again.  I have to figure out how to plug what was true into the scene, on the surface it feels at odds.  (I was willing to go to any length to get what I wanted in the improv, but in the scene, that isn't what I end up with.  I have to figure out where it fits in.)  By the end of the improv, she completely inhabited me.  I was living her.  It was freeing.  How do you get to that point night after night on stage using someone else's words?  And how do you do this kind of work on your own as prep?

I feel like I had some sort of epiphany or enlightenment.  How do I do it using words?

I'm gonna have to come up with a back-up plan for the head-shot, I don't think I will get it back in time.  I should write tonight.

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