Friday, May 30, 2014


Being a flake was never my intention, I think it was more that I needed to stretch out myself into what I needed and wanted as a way to buck the restraints of what I had to do...though, for whatever reasons there might have been, all legitimate, that was a choice as well, and it was mine.  Just need to find a way to build enough time for myself into my life.  I need a lot.  (And I  really like the scenic route, and will take it even when I know I shouldn't, because of time restraints, etc.)

Turns out the 4 minutes was not a wrench to see how we can adjust to changing circumstances (you do get asked to make adjustments with the monologues themselves, sometimes) but rather just the maximum time allowed.  I'm still probably at 90 seconds, or maybe less.  The Shakes is 30 seconds and the other one is anywhere from 30 seconds to around one minute, depends how solid I get on the ending of it; together, they have a nice range.  I just have to really own them; I'm not there yet.  Had a coaching session this morning, and she's a friend and still I'm nervous to perform for her.  Have until Wednesday to get it together.  At least the words are memorized now.  Have lots of Meisner work, as well as catching up on my life, to do in the meantime.  And so much going on around town I want to do...ahhh, how it's gonna go for a while.  We're off book on Sunday (pretty much there now), and I imagine my garden has become a jungle of kale plants by this point.  Have to get there...and pick up my mail.  Keeps being in the wrong direction.

Time to so see what's up with the birds.

In three weeks, this phase will be over.

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