Monday, July 14, 2014


For the record, I declined the conservatory.  I would've been fine using a "gofundme" campaign for the tuition, but I have some bills I need to pay off (or at least down.  This debt is getting in the way of my life, this being a case in point.  I want to get rid of it.) And I don't know how I could pay those and rent with working only part-time.  Anyway, I ended up having to pay 2/3 of the tuition for the clown class, and working off the other third, but I decided I would try to figure it out, especially because I declined the other program, and I need to do this type of work.

Class was great.  I'm gonna have to miss one, because I'd already promised to be somewhere else; I've never missed a theatre class.  Slightly bummed out, but that's how it is. We're supposed to come up with a cheer for our clown name, so I'll have to do that by myself when I return to class.  Also, we're learning these basic dance steps for a dance we will have to choreograph and perform for each other for the last class; I'll have to catch up on those as well.

It's a lot of coming back around to things we might have done in the past, but every time you come back to them, you go a little deeper.  And he's calling me out on the same things he did last summer, which I'd forgotten about, and which are good for me to be reminded of (example, how I might think I'm looking at the audience, but it isn't registering, so I need to change what I'm doing.  If it's not working, it's not working.)  But then in other ways, I think I'm more open, and I'm acting on impulse a bit more without trying to think about it first.  And then there's the reminder that on stage, supporting your partner is giving them the truth, not being "nice" or "polite."  "Polite" just isn't useful on stage, (it doesn't give your partner energy to work off of), though it is in life off of the stage.  There's only seven of us in the class, but we all want to be there.  I'm glad I'm there.  I wanted the time to go longer, and yet I could feel my focus fading, so it's just as well that it ended.  Gonna take in everything I can.

Got a ride to the bus stop, one of my classmates offered to wait with me, but I told him I was okay (I like that he offered.)  A bus ended up coming five minutes later, anyway, and then got stuck in traffic because another bus was blocking the intersection further on.  It was pretty fast once we finally were able to re-route, speeding northward, no one waiting along the way to stop for; catching the odd glimpse of a very yellow, somewhat squashed rising moon.  House almost cool enough to fall asleep in.

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