Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What's next?

Went to sleep irritated, woke up in a foul mood, state of the world generally feeding that and making it grow.

The seagull baby waits at the elevator, hoping to get back to the rooftop, I suppose, or at least out of the sun.

Working on the dance, makes me feel better.

Well, that was what?  Clown makes acting concepts so much easier to absorb.  I guess it's a different kinda' pressure, a different approach to the same concepts: entrance, energy, events, games/actions, how to play with getting what you need, connecting, finding impulses, allowing whatever happens to happen, becoming "full" with whatever is happening to you, knowing when and how to leave.

Tonight was the last class until next summer.  Can spend the next twelve months finding my clown's identity.  I'm not sure, I see other people's clowns starting to gel.  What does my clown talk like?  How does it walk?  What is my gender?  How do I respond in different situations?  Do I have any physical tics or things I like to say?

I want to do more with the choreography, breaking the form, making it less expected.  What's interesting is finding a truth in the unexpected...and taking the audience there with you.

And I feel so much better now.

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