Monday, July 7, 2014

The birds have got my number

Sitting down to lunch outside, I'm an easy target for the crows.  No sooner have I begun to eat (pasta with peas, kale, and a can of tuna) then a couple of small crows are at my feet, mouths gaped open from the heat.  Sad, little caws.  A parent and a baby.  They know how to pick 'em, I toss tiny bits of tuna and the adult puts them in its beak.  The baby begs, pink mouth wide open, flapping of wings, head hunched back.  I decide to see if it can eat on its own, smash a pea in my teeth and toss it in the general direction.  It eats part of it.  The parent picks up the rest.  Eventually, the baby is spooked by a maintenance vehicle and flies off into a tree and  the adult starts catching my offerings of peas and tuna in the air: party tricks.  Finally, beak full enough, it caws, and listens, caws...locates and flies off to a tree and feeds the baby.  I only have a couple bits left when it returns: I have to eat, too.  I go inside to wash my plate, and when I return back outside, they have moved on.

Oh, crap!  I just signed up for an audition.  Tomorrow.  What the heck was I thinking?  Yikes.  I guess it's good experience if I want to do this line of work.  I am insane. (Because I'm not prepared to audition.)

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