Thursday, July 3, 2014


Supposed to meet some friends downtown but: 1) I'm broke and 2) I don't feel like catching a bus.  It would be good to get out and meet people, I don't very much, I'm not super social.  These would actually be a good group of friends to go out with in that respect, they are social.  I go out a lot, to shows, not to big social events, and I don't tend to meet people that way.  I usually meet people through classes or friends.  (I suppose that's another reason I take a lot of classes, besides enjoying learning, you can get to know people over time, without any pressure or objective.)

Met with scene partner briefly tonight to talk about "process" for working on material.  I don't know if I have one yet but obviously reading the script a few times, and then all the improv work, songs, animal, private moment, background work, etc. help, but my biggest things are: 1) getting off book as soon as possible; so that 2) I can make a connection with other person; and 3) knowing what I want overall; and then 4) trying to figure out how to get it.  #3 and #4 are helped with external input, even just discussing the character, preferably with the director should I be so lucky (one would hope you could, but that might not always be the case), I like being able to bounce thoughts around to someone else.  And #2 would include doing empathy work on the other person (or people) I'm working with.  You have to love them on some level, connect to them as a human and not just and not just a cue feeder so that you can say your next line. I don't actually have my class review until August, I think.  Most of the others were last week.

Stay or go?

I'm gonna be sore in the next couple of days: we did a lot of work on the floor in dance class tonight, I can already feel in it my hip joints. (Modern dance, thought about hip-hop as well, but it was full.) This will be good for getting over my floor aversion.

Kinda' wish I had a car.

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