Sunday, July 6, 2014

Long weekend is over

Had an unusually social Sunday (for me.)  Had been invited to this Finnish folk-music service last week, so went this morning, which turned into coffee with a couple of kantele (Finnish instrument) songs, which then led to a walk around the lake with one of the other choir members.  That was serendipitous, as I'd recently been thinking it might be nice to walk with someone else once in a while.  She also offered her thoughts on my job and school (several friends have recently.)  I was planning on going back to the lake to study Finnish or read a book in the shade somewhere, but came home and while waiting for the laundry, cleaned the living room and part of the kitchen. A little while later, one of my other housemates wanted to show me the kitchen: she'd cleaned the rest of it, getting all the pots and pans that had been sitting there, cleaned and off the counters.  It feels like it's been weeks.  There's something, I don't know, the opposite of tense?, about walking into a kitchen that's clean, a house that's clean.  Perhaps it's that since I was also cleaning, she felt like she could again, because all the responsibility wasn't falling on her to clean up after everyone else.  I know the feeling.

Then she, I and one of the men that lives in the attic with us, all played a type of dominoes on the main floor, waiting for the air upstairs to cool down a bit.  There's been a breeze blowing for a few hours now, but still too hot to sleep.

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