Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I feel happy in spite of the fact that I think the audition was pretty awful.  I was early, and so I had time to get nervous and by the time I got called in and started, I forgot most of the monologue.  Granted, I just got the text last night, and it was a fair chunk of text (and there's a section that doesn't make sense to me yet, and it's been throwing me off.)  They actually gave me a copy of it and had me start it again, "without hesitation."  They were nice.  I was just nervous.  I'm glad I did it, I want to do it again soon.  And I realize that I really need to keep running monologues on a regular basis so that I'm ready when the opportunity comes and not freaking myself out.

Must be partially the release of endorphins or something that is making me so happy, seems to be the common state for me after an audition, regardless of how it went.  It's also lovely outside, the light (fading), the air (cooling), and the sky (mostly clear with a few of those wispy clouds that I like so much glowing pink in the fading light near the just-past-half-full moon.)

Later:  And the rejection email was very nice, I'm glad they told me, sometimes you don't hear anything.  I guess that role isn't even going into call-backs.

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