Thursday, April 10, 2014


Enduring a morning full of lovely tar fumes.  But the sun is out and a slight breeze blows through the trees.  Lawnmowers roar in the distance.

Plowing my way through more plays: Lee Blessing, Neil LaBute, Jean Genet.  Still trying to figure out the tape recorder thing, I'll just have to do without, I think.  I think I know what my "do-over" is though...seems to be providing plenty of fuel for class this year.  Didn't realize how much it bothered me, but when I touch it, it's loaded. Totally buried it to be a "good" person, but he wasn't.  It was a long time ago, if I can get it out of my system, that'd be a good thing.  Trying to work myself up to making phone calls (least favorite thing to do.)  All for class (oh, and potential house.)  So much work this quarter.

This is a Maya Angelou poem, a friend posted it a couple of days ago, and it grabbed me.


In what other lives or lands
Have I known your lips
Your Hands
Your Laughter brave
Those sweet excesses that
I do adore.
What surety is there
That we will meet again,
On other worlds some
Future time undated.
I defy my body's haste.
Without the promise
Of one more sweet encounter
I will not deign to die.      
Maya Angelou

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