Thursday, April 17, 2014


Lot of tension in the air again today.  When another singer and I walked down to put our music away after a very long rehearsal, we could hear fighting (shouting) going on in the next room.  And rehearsal was tense.  Lingering eclipse, maybe.  I feel out of sorts from it (the tension.)  Usually I feel good after rehearsal.  It's really wet out right now as well, almost an inch of rain, falling in showers.  The world just seemed kinda' crazy today.  (And I still need a place to live, and help moving...trying to figure out the timing of all that.  Looking at a few places this weekend.)

Went to a passover meal earlier in the evening.  I looked out the window at one point and it looked as if all the trees were breathing, rising up and down in the wind.  Later the sun broke through the clouds and there was a double rainbow in the eastern sky.  (Rain on the lens.)  Two friends (at least) posted pictures of this.  I like that I know people that look up and see the rainbows.  I really just wrote this for the pictures.  (This camera doesn't really like dealing with excess light, color goes weird, doesn't record same quality of light that my brain registers.)

Rainbow, April 17/L Herlevi 2014

April 17/L Herlevi 2014

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