Sunday, May 12, 2013

After meeting with scene partner

And as far as the scene work goes: how would things play out different if Johnny is lying? What would he hope to gain? If he's just a player, she's already played him, there's nothing to get, she doesn't have any money. And is he slightly stalker-ish? Not in the scene, but later he says that even if the police were to come, he'd sneak back in...that's creepy, even if he's joking. And yet the play doesn't really seem creepy overall, but maybe I sympathize with him too much.

Need to test the recording equipment now. Just recording myself reading the script, two birds with one stone. I'm really unmotivated, tired of sending out missives into the void, still I continue. Someday I'll get over him, but that's still not today. (And the other one keeps calling at the last minute, even when I say I need more notice to make time. I'm not being coy, I'm busy. I don't have any free time for over a week after right now, and now I need to learn the camera equipment.  This has been going on for over a month. A non-date date.) And sh(oo)t, we HAVE to shoot the video at some point this week. Crap. It looked like it had recorded earlier but now isn't showing up. I can do it again, I just don't want someone else seeing my crappy line-reading.  I wonder if I go into the office if someone will show me basics of using the equipment? I find technical writing to not be very helpful to me, and manuals seems to make things harder than they actually are. Tell me how to turn it on and record, and what the settings are and how to play back, put the trouble-shooting in later, but it's always all thrown in together in the manuals, and I feel like I have to root around just to find really basic info. Oh, good, my classmate likes manuals.

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