Friday, May 31, 2013

The crows have started early

I should get up and see what they are up to. All the sensory tours went well but we only got to two scenes, ours and one more, so we won't do ours next week, which means we really need to work on our own and get this down. His needs/wants are pretty strong, mine change from moment to moment, and it was a big chunk of material last night and it went too fast for me to latch on to any of them. Scene partner said he'd work that with me this week, we can probably do that without rehearsal space, I'm feeling unanchored on stage. Do I want to believe there are other options besides abandonment, abuse and contempt? I think I do, but am I convinced that something better will never be in my cards because it never has been? He's trying to convince me that there are more options. He's definitely more the optimist.  I'm afraid to hope, afraid of change, I think. Afraid of his intensity.  Intensity=abuse in my past.

Video is done shooting. We need to figure out how to edit, how we want it sequenced and do voice-overs (which I'll need to write, but can't yet, because I don't know what we're using from Monday's shoot yet.) I read somewhere that people who are doing what they love always seem to have so much energy and get a lot done, and while that may be true, there is a point where even they have taken on too much to give their best to what they are doing, and I'm definitely beyond that point this quarter. Still have a quiz today, so I guess I'll leave now and try to get some studying in before class (three hours from now.) And gonna go see what Spot and company are up to (I suspect they may have gotten into the garbage, someone left the lid off.) Only 15 hours of social media break this time.

Nope, no garbage digging, they must've just been making a ruckus for the fun of it.

(And so, can I do the Shakespeare class without spreading myself too thin? It's only four weeks, but do I need a break? I feel like life goes by so fast and opportunities arrive and slip past and sometimes you don't get a second chance. But is this one I need? And Shakespeare runs into the intense clown class running into the performance class and then it's early September. By then I'll know if I'm doing Meisner or not. Besides applying, and being accepted, it would also require a scholarship for me to do it.)

Survived the last quiz. Video project and final to get through, then just the theatre class. Glad I got dropped from working on the conference, just wouldn't have been able to put enough effort into it.

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