Saturday, May 11, 2013


Gum, Post Alley-L. Herlevi
Wicked case of vertigo while at work yesterday, something that has never happened like that before. I've had it twice before, but I woke up with it both those times, had thought it might be the "rocks" in my ears (that's what a doctor thought the first time it happened), but a physical therapist friend pointed out that it could also be a pinched nerve or some upper back issue. Guess I'll get my ears checked and go get a massage (which hopefully doesn't make it temporarily worse.) I'm kinda afraid to go anywhere alone today. It gets pretty bad, I can't just lie down in the middle of the street if it happens again. Maybe I really should take up yoga...I'm supposed to test out video equipment this weekend and meet with my scene partner, and was gonna go check on my plants this morning. Hope they are still alive, I was planning on watering yesterday, but obviously didn't. A friend drove all the way from his home to pick me up and drop me at home so I didn't have to take a crowded bus, which was beyond nice, but I went to bed, and am just considering trying to walk around now. No dizziness as I sit here, but haven't tried to move my head or bend forward, yet. I can turn my head to the right without the room spinning now, so an improvement.

The bright side of the vertigo is that I probably needed to have some body work done, and I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been forced to go. They have a nice sauna as well. And the most flattering mirror I have had the pleasure of standing half-dressed in front of. Oh, and because we just had a little heat wave since I put them in the ground, squash is actually doing quite well, but man, do I ever need to get back to the garden this week and do some serious weeding. Warm spell was good for EVERYTHING, and everything has shot up...especially the tenacious bindweed.

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