Thursday, May 30, 2013

17 hours

Well, made it 17 hours. One of the omelets for the sensory tour turned out, but I don't normally buy ham, and the ham I bought (for a western) is way too sweet, maybe salvageable with tabasco? Next time, only two eggs in the pan at a time, they are actually edible, just a lot of browning. I almost thought about ordering some and picking them up, but since we are also doing the video shoot today and since there are no restaurants near where I am, I just don't have the time. I hope it's good enough. (I suspect there are a few vegetarians in the class. And I considered making some vegetarian, but it wouldn't have been authentic to the world of the play.) Spot and company were going nuts outside the kitchen window the whole time I was cooking. Very loud cawing. Very early. I eventually fed them part of the overcooked omelet. That seemed to please them.

Things won't be any different today. Still need to cut back on how much I'm on these things. Wean myself away, give my heart a break. (What can I say? Emotions ARE irrational, even if I do sound like Mr. Spock.) Actually get some work done. Acts of kindness to myself. (Someone told me they were holding me in their thoughts over the cold, and it seems to mostly be over, which is nice. I had a cough for almost four months after the cold I had at Christmas. That ongoing throat pain seems to feel better today as well. I've kinda' learned to live with it, since I have to pay the old doctor bills before I acquire any new ones.  I haven't sung in a while, but would like to again.)

There were things that were supposed to be covered in previous acting classes, but weren' I feel a little behind on the learning curve, however, other parts are making a lot more sense to me, such as how to go about learning lines (which seems obvious now, but I'd never heard to learn them without any emotions attached.) I had heard that every response you make is a response to what your partner gives you, but that is beginning to be more than just words to me. I haven't even started on how she moves, which is part of who she is, but I'm still putting together her past, and there are still blanks, blanks that need to get filled (why'd she drop out of high school? who told her she didn't have what it takes to be an actress? why'd her mother leave? why were they poor?-she grew up during an economic boom.) Am still somewhat unclear on what exactly she wants, I feel she wants to get to know him better, but he keeps rushing the relationship ("I want to marry you") and she's trying to keep away from that conversation...I think wants/needs are supposed to be in the positive, so need to reframe it. Will also attempt to go see Tennessee Williams One Acts soon.

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