Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Trying to find rehearsal space and filming space, and none seem to be available when we or the equipment are available. I seem to be carrying the brunt of all this (scheduling and expense.) Yea! Getting help now. And we can get a library room tonight, which, if hard to rehearse in, is at least, free. And the room on Thursday gives us more time to memorize script before filming, so that works out. We have to present the videos on next Wednesday and the final for that class is Thursday. So quickly has time passed. The other has four more weeks until performance. For this week we are supposed to do the sensory world of the play, and a restaurant would be good, but we haven't given enough thought to it before today, where it is, what the neighborhood is like, who goes there, noise levels, etc., I'm not sure we can pull it off by Thursday when we both work days and up until class starts. I kinda' feel like we might be copping out either way (restaurant or Frankie's apartment-their lives are in the restaurant, the play is in the apartment-so, experience of their lives or experience of the night of the encounter?) There's only so much I can carry on a crowded bus, and I have to also bring props for the video on the same day (because it's food, and I don't want it to spoil.) Whatever we do, everyone's getting blindfolded.

I know true things, but I don't want to believe them so I keep myself from remembering them, tell myself that I'm wrong. It's obvious, I'm not. Still, against all odds, I'm rooting for my "right mind" to be wrong for once.

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