Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cold out

I like the show anyway (and I think everyone should go see it), but also that I really want to put something original out in the world.  Most of my originality is currently going into cooking and writing no one sees.  I have done photography (still do a little) but it has felt more like documenting something rather than creating and expressing that.  It's true that you document from your point of view, from your subtext at the time.  One assignment we had in a studio lighting class (everyone was working with film at the time) was to photograph a roll of toilet paper, and everyone's work was vastly different.  I had been feeling kinda' cliche and uninspired, so finished the last shots out of desperation, and those are the ones I used, kinda' film noir look.  My work was pretty moody at the time.

Subtext changes...a subtle shift and you wake up from the previous moment and everything has changed.  You become a different person, how you see the world, what you want...everything changes.

Here's a picture of the swag.  (One of my artistic endeavors of the day.)  It's a little crazy, my fingers started to freeze and I couldn't twist the wire.  Seemed warm in the sun initially, not actually the case.
Swag/L. Herlevi 2013

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