Sunday, December 15, 2013

Later on Saturday

The cranberry sauce is good, had to use frozen, they didn't have fresh.  I also used maybe a 1/3 cup of sugar, it tastes fine.  The last recipe I looked at called for 1 1/4 cup of sugar, that seemed excessive.  I put in a little bit and then taste it.  It's substituting for lingonberries, so it's fine.  I use fresh apple juice instead of water, so that probably helps as well.  (And I threw in a pink lady apple, a cinnamon stick, orange zest, and a small handful of raisins.  I make it different every time, can never remember what I did the previous time.)  Wow, the spell check just gave me the option of Klingon instead of lingon.

Later.  My first attempt to leave the house, my shoes were hard to walk in so I stopped to switch them, and realized they were both falling apart (heel separating off, I guess they are at least 15 years old) so went back into house to change into boots.  Left again, after I got through the intersection, someone said part of the dress I was carrying was dragging on the road, stopped to fix that, dropped the cranberry sauce, broke the container, walked back home, tried to separate it out enough to keep the grocery bag, but ended up tossing all of it.  Third try, made the bus, got to the church where the dinner was.  Told them.  They were fine with it, someone felt bad for me and paid for my dinner.  Also, because I had said I needed to leave early, the program was switched around so that we sang all of our music at 6:15 pm.  (So, when they say everyone is cold here because of all the N. Europeans, you know, maybe they should take another look, and try harder.)

Barely had time to change and eat something, not a full dinner, ran out to try to catch the bus downtown, saw a bus, thought it was early, ran, but missed it.  Said there was another in 9 minutes.  Sat and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  It didn't come.  That bus would have gotten me downtown with 10 minutes to spare.  The times jumped around on the reader board and a bus showed up randomly, right before I was thinking I should try to flag a cab, 10 minutes late.  Hit every red light heading downtown.  I don't know when we got near the theatre, but I got off and started running toward it.  The street was under construction and all of the sidewalks were closed.  I  ran in the street successfully avoided getting hit by a car.  There was a really long line waiting to get in.  Did get in in the end.  It started late.

The show was great, you'd never guess they had never rehearsed together. (They all had rehearsed with the director.)  I sat really far back, so couldn't really see everyone, but I knew at least three cast members, one of whom was who I thought invited me, but not positive.  At any rate, I'm glad I got the invite, as it had fallen off of my radar and I had meant to come see  the show.  I have a pretty bad headache in addition to everthing else that still hurts (tried holy water (from Lourdes) and tiger balm on the knees, but they still hurt to bend.)  Maybe I am coming down with something.

So the third bummer thing that happened was that I lost one of these glass-bead earrings that I was wearing...they were from the 20's or something.  I kept hoping it would fall out of my clothes, but no.  I suppose, if there were three things, I'm glad they weren't worse.  I should sleep.

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