Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday, vacation

I'll make a list after I do something today, just so I can check something off.  But then again, I am on vacation.  Slept most of the day, got up late, and then went to drop off some dvd's at the library and got some mexican food on the way home which made me sick, so when I got back home, I curled up in the fetal position until I felt better.  I'm not sure what it is, it's something that some restaurants put in the rice, and some don't.  I forget which ones do it, usually makes me feel sick immediately after eating it though, lasts for a couple of hours.

Did laundry, cooked and cleaned out the bath tub, but didn't get around to looking for the records...woulda' been the easiest thing to do. I don't have his contact info anyway, will have to wait until we run into each other again, happens every two-to-three weeks.  I know what street he lives on, but I'm not gonna go knocking on doors, even if I am rather ready to give the records back (to let go of my past.)

I was watching Bill Moyers earlier while I was cooking, the first half of the show he was talking to Thomas Cahill about Pope Francis and how much reform he thought could get done.  Cahill said something to the effect that to make major changes (such as with women) Francis would need more backing than he has.  Cahill also mentioned that his personal belief is in the teachings of the Beatitudes (blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek, etc) and not in any one denomination.  And then my favorite thing he said was something to the effect that there are really only two choices in life: to be kind or to be cruel.  Which will you choose? 

The remainder of the hour was with the poet Philip Levine and his poetry of Detroit.  He was disarming, I'll have to go look for his books.  I liked his poetry.  The interview also reminded me of the importance and necessity of art in our lives.  Reinforcing for me that what I'm pursuing is not frivolous, even if those thoughts kept me from pursuing it earlier.  I've pushed those voices further away, but it's nice to hear the validation.  Maybe I wasn't ready to do it before (I tried in my early 20's, but stopped for the next 20 years until recently.)  Perhaps this is the right any rate, it's the time.  "Athletes of the _ heart."

Long term things I want to accomplish this year: to be making art as well as observing it.

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