Sunday, September 22, 2013


Day 1. Walking to class I thought, "Can't be as scary as clown." I was wrong. Last hour, boom! Get up and sell yourself to someone to get them to want to be friends with you. Right now. Go. Didn't have to make anyone laugh, but my heart was just pounding the whole time. We also had to do "playback" on someone else (which also made me nervous...I have a hard time remembering exactly what someone said, verbatim.)  Also, will find somewhere else to sit, more to the side. Being right in front of the person speaking made me really uncomfortable, to the point where I couldn't pay attention to what they were saying because I couldn't keep looking at them. Anyway, can only imagine it gets more intense from here. I've read the blog, and I've spoken to people, but really had no idea what the actual process was. I suppose it's better that way. It's been over two months since clown and I'm out of the groove of preparing myself for that. Now I know.

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