Saturday, September 14, 2013


They did have rush tickets so I went to We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! by Dario Fo, a political farce. I was really tired last night and unfortunately dozed off toward the end (what else is new?) which is unfortunate, there must've been some sorta' resolution. I'll have to read a translation, probably can't get ahold of the translation for this show (it's originally Italian.) I should probably read him anyway. This is over the top, vocally, physically (Adam Standley as State Trooper et al, really stands out, fabulous-especially in the ensemble work with Tracy Michelle Hughes and Kylee Rousellot when they are trying to get his body in the closet-fantastic choreography on that), makes you laugh while driving in nails, of the absurdity and corruption in life. I had looked at the festival listings previously (this was a repertory festival, with all four shows running simultaneously throughout the summer, it closes this weekend) but hadn't had the time nor the money to go earlier. All the shows are thought-provoking: Lysistrata-Aristophnes (a play within a play set in Afghanistan); Trouble in Mind-Alice Childress (race representation in the American Theatre); Stu for Silverton - Peter Duchan/Breedlove (a musical based on the town of Silverton, Oregon, it's transgendered mayor, Stu Rasmussen and the community that stood up for him); and then We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! (workers losing their jobs from downsizing and the factory closing and trying to live on nothing, while the price of everything increases everyday.) I might try to see if I can get another rush ticket for a show today or tomorrow.

Woke up with another wicked headache, waiting for it to subside a bit. Might be dust or something. I don't know, have had them all week. Maybe I'll clean this weekend as well. Ugh, 600 milligrams of ibuprofen, not making a dent in the headache, though it helped with the wrist pain.

We never did find the right bonfire, we wandered, shuffling across the sand from fire to fire, ending up back where we began, standing outside a building, watching the moon sink lower and lower in the sky until the light reached all the way across the bay. Leaving then, with my bag of marshmallows and chocolate. I'll have to make something with the marshmallows, I've already eaten some of the chocolate (salted almond, dark chocolate.) It was good.

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