Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Really should sleep

But I'm all riled up...good discussion, though. I posted the previous post on accident but kept it up anyway. Truth be told, I don't have anything more interesting to say now.

Went to an open house at the theatre school. Sat in on Playwriting and Solo Performance "classes." I want to study with both these people, I'm fired up. But already committed to the other program, hopefully they will teach again in summer or next fall.  They both seem to be what I am looking for in a teacher, they each explained their process. I'm braver than I was, even three months ago, still the idea of both classes scare the pants off of me. What if I can't produce anything? What if I have no depth? What if I suck? What if I don't have a story? What if I have nothing to say? All of those things scare me. Still, we did exercises tonight, I can practice those on my own until I can take a's only myself stopping me, getting in my way. Coincidentally, I was just telling my housemate about living on a mountain in Costa Rica in college and she asked me if I had journaled about that...I don't know, I must've written something, but I don't know where it would be...maybe I'll write it again, I remember enough. It wouldn't be a play, but it would be good for setting a scene, working on story-telling, finding conflict, remembering location and mannerisms. Sometimes I feel I am sitting on the surface; my interest in those two classes is to go deeper; and even if I never produce a play, or a solo performance worth performing publicly, they seem like the next step of finding depth in character.  And it's good to go out of your comfort zone, do something that scares you.

Have no idea why I'm so vibrantly awake right now.  Maybe I should watch something boring, need to get to work on time tomorrow. No caffeine after noon, either. Just really, really awake.

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