Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mid week

Just got home from clown group.  I was making up excuses earlier of why not to go, but I enjoy it.  Also, I realize how out of touch I get with that way of being in the world if I don't do it regularly, I forget how clown would react or move.  And again, I love the generosity of everyone that shows up.  Earlier today I was thinking about the next level class and if I was going to take it.  I'm leaning closer to "yes," still, it's a long way until July.  I have no idea what I'm doing this summer.

I'm volunteering for another theatre event this weekend, I had said I was available for any of the days (ushering) and they assigned me this weekend.  I want to meet people doing theatre in this city.  Anyway, as part of that, all the volunteers were invited to the kick-off event tomorrow night, I'm kinda on the fence.  I'd like to go, but if I'm the only volunteer that shows up (everyone else is an actor, writer, director, musician, artist, designer directly involved), I know I'll feel like I don't belong there.  And it's my birthday.  And technically, I should go to choir rehearsal as I really don't have a solid grasp of the Vivaldi piece. main reason for not going is lame, and if that were taken out of the equation, I'd go.  If I want to meet people, or at least match names with faces, this would be when to do that.  Plus, you know, we were invited.  I think I need to suck up my insecurities and just go.

I don't know why my camera records colors like this and not how they actually appear.  I guess I should read the manual:)
Walkway, Jan 8/L Herlevi 2014

Space Needle, Jan 8/L Herlevi 2014

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