Thursday, January 2, 2014

New things

New year, new artwork.  One of my colleagues arranged for me to get new art for my wall at work (I got to go over and choose it) and also had a wolf poster I've had pinned to my wall, framed.  (It was a promotional poster, beautiful graphic design work.)  Classing up the joint.

All day I've thought it was Monday.  Ran out early for the bus to get to work, forgetting that my bus is still on a holiday schedule, so spent that half hour outside in the dark and was late anyway.  Stayed dark all day. This is how I generally think of January here.  (Think I'll go look at Christmas lights tomorrow night.)  Ran into someone I hadn't seen in ages and that kinda' made my night, but generally feeling pretty blah and uninspired.  That'll change as soon as class starts up on Sunday.  Ready for it to begin again, even if I am a little terrified...months of hard work ahead.
January/L Herlevi 2014

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