Sunday, January 26, 2014

Oh, shoulda' brought a camera tonight

The fog had already rolled in heavy downtown by the time we got out of class tonight.  The lights on the trees reminded me of stars, the lights on the freeway northbound made the sky look like the underside of a circus tent, or a mattress.  Then there was a break between the canal and the University, one thick finger of fog reaching up from the water, encroaching like the first rivulet bringing inundation.  Slow moving.  At home it was clear, hard frost on the ground, sky full of stars, no light pollution.

Someone commented that they appreciated seeing me grow and relaxing into the work more.  I guess that's a good thing.  (My room suddenly smells sweet like mildew, I'm going to have to open my window and freeze.)

We have a new exercise that we will all have to get through...oh, holy...I was right to be scared.  It'll be a good thing if we survive it (and we will.)  The point is to break through all the masks (they have to go in order to be available on stage), and I need to break through mine, but you know, that's terrifying.  Anyway, that's what the songs are for.  Also, somehow it occurred to me tonight that I can actually use the emotional exercises from clown to get into the first emotional state for entering.  That was liberating to remember.  I can do that, and it doesn't involve beating myself up in the process.

Cheers, I need to get up early.

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