Monday, January 27, 2014


By morning, fog had enveloped everything.  No surgery for now.  Hand therapy.  (Which I might add, I tried to get 2 years ago, but all that was offered to me at that time was surgery.  Maybe there'd be less way to know.)

I am completely overwhelmed.  I know I keep saying that, but there are not enough hours in a day or a month to do everything I said I would.  Tunnel vision, just jumping through the hoops as they appear now. Wish I'd bought a tv dinner, I need to eat and am too tired to cook...working my way through a bag of almonds. (Came home, dropped off my stuff, went to rehearsal, just got home again, dealt with the garbage and recycling and now I'm tired.)

Started reading the book "Quiet-The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain.  It's an interesting read, and I liked her TED Talk on YouTube... I had been thinking maybe I'm a shy extrovert, but on the unscientific introvert quiz, 15/20 were true for me and a couple were "depends on the context."  I'm fine in a big group once I know people.  And I like crowds, but eventually get overwhelmed, and noise bothers me more the later it gets, exponentially.  I might actually be an introvert that's closer to the center than the far end.  (For instance, I like performing.  And I'll take big risks, but not regularly, and I tend to mull over them a lot beforehand.)

Time to learn more lyrics, just in case I get the exercise soon.  And to get solid on why I'm doing my physical task.  Got my membership card today.  Feel official now:)  Met the new choir director, she studies Baltic music, I think.  I was asking her about Songfest and if she was going this summer, she is, not the one in Tallin, but the one in Lithuania.  I want to go to the one in Tallin and sing "Tuljak" with 40,000 people, maybe next time.

I have a couple of blurry pictures of birds and this (the birds didn't want to be photographed today-a n. flicker, a nuthatch and a bunch of robins):
Alley Wall, Jan 27/L Herlevi 2014

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