Sunday, January 5, 2014

Not a cloud in the sky

Saturday night - Thick sliver of yellow moon dropping heavily in the western sky, leaving the clear east twinkling with stars spread out in the vast darkness: more stars than can usually be seen in the city. The ground sparkling with frost, crunching or slippery underfoot.  A final chance to see the lights before the season is over, but the stars win my attention.  I reluctantly head home after an hour gazing, stomach growling from lack of food, heart racing from too much caffeine, and fingers freezing in spite of the gloves I finally wore.  Grateful to the neighbors for hanging lights; grateful to the stars and the moon for shining so bright.  Grateful that my need for caffeine (and warmth) found me entering the coffee shop at that particular moment for that particular conversation (it felt like encouragement.)

Sunday - Heavy stuff, and it can happen because trust has been built, how does bringing in someone new work?  It could work, but this is going to be a heavy quarter (emotionally, and personally vulnerable) so we will have to trust them, but if they are serious about it, it'll have to come with the territory of the work.  The homework is already daunting, and it only scratches the surface.  Forgot about the book we were supposed to look over during break, Spoon River Anthology, so will have to check the library.

Uninspired today, and then as the light was fading as I made my way to class, there was this:
Beauty is you, Jan 5/L Herlevi 2014

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