Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Almost noon

Got six more minutes to enjoy my coffee (or nine, if my computer is to be believed.) I am going to try to come up with a "clown moment" every day while the class runs.

Once when I was travelling (meaning trekking), I was so tired and sore, I agreed to stay in what was essentially a storage closet with a couch in it. It was 5 euros, but there wasn't a bathroom. The man assured me I could use the bathroom/shower in the kitchen of the restaurant in front until it closed, sometime around midnight, and he gave me the keys. So, when it's warm out and you are hiking, it's good to drink a lot of water, and I had had heat exhaustion in the past, so tried to be conscious of it. So, I waited 'til close to closing to use the bathroom, so I wouldn't have to in the middle of the night. Problem was, the family also lived in the back and had locked the gate between the "compound" and the restaurant for the night, and as it also turned out, none of the keys they gave me worked on that. The Canadian man who was staying in the real room had said I could use his bathroom if I needed to, I had been hoping to avoid it. He left the key in the door, so I went in quietly (apparently followed by a cat) and snuck into the bathroom so as not to wake him up. It was hot and muggy in there. He was sleeping in the bed nearest the bathroom (so, I shut the door, I would have anyway). So, I try to leave, and I can't. The handle is broken on the inside. I considered staying in there but it was too hot. So I banged on the door to wake him up. He wakes up, lets me out, laughing (thankfully.) I shut his door and go to sleep in the closet.

In the morning, I wake up late and he's shouting to me from a window. The cat had gotten locked in and started crying to be let out, at which point he realized somehow I had locked he and the cat in the room. A couple days later I got trapped in another bathroom, but somehow managed to get the door to open eventually.  I have a slight fear of door locks now, especially to bathrooms. (And now that I think about it, last time I lived on Capitol Hill, my housemate got trapped in our attic bathroom on a Friday afternoon when no one was home. He said he screamed out the window for a long time, eventually the neighbors came out and laughed at him. I think he finally crawled out on the ledge and inched over to an open window-so it happens here, too.) This Canadian man features in my dog story, too (which he filmed, before successfully chasing them off.)

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