Monday, July 1, 2013

13 days

13 days. My previous instructor thought it would be good for me to do the clown class as well. I'm getting better at getting around the paralyzed feeling of creative blocks, or sometimes crashing through them. I need the constant pressure on that now, or I probably will back off, and another reason I started taking these classes was to work on that. My exit interview was shorter than it shoulda' been because she lost the original list and when she wrote to tell us that, I accidently replied to my scene partner and not her, so there was a time mix-up. She said I could email resume stuff though. Need to work on that tonight, after paying a bill and possibly going to garden. We will all be in the same boat, so, at least the class will be a bonding experience.

Ran into a friend of mine from previous theatre days (we live down the street from each other, so see him around) and we were talking about gardens. He said he'd put in a good word for me if I wanted to switch over to the one in our neighborhood, I don't currently live anywhere near my garden. I like my neighborhood now, but my house needs the bug and water issues dealt with. Not the healthiest place to live. Another friend was telling me that new studios in his neighborhood are starting at $1675/month. Ridiculous. Who would pay that? Are we becoming New York? Where do normal people live? He's an engineer, and both he and another friend who works in the tech industry moved to older, less-expensive apartments, and they make a fair living. What is everyone else supposed to do? My hope is that most of them stay vacant, so that management companies stop believing there is a market for that kinda' rent. I remember a few years back seeing 500 sq ft studios for under $600. Those days are long gone.

It's only 78 degrees so far, with a decent breeze blowing. I don't believe there is real air conditioning here.

This is a Charlie Chaplin quote, snagged from a Tyler Perry interview : Chaplin often spoke about finding comedy through pain: "Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain;" and "To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!"  Has to do with clown, I think.

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