Saturday, August 24, 2013

Let the madness begin

20 hours of rehearsal this week, plus working full time, plus the application for the scholarship is due, and I need to work on the monologue...I'll be glad when the audition and the show are over. There doesn't seem to be enough time, but it'll all work out, I suppose. At least I have my lines down...although I always think I do until I'm standing and trying to move at the same time. I have them down when I am sitting. Funny how that changes. It's mostly just the one page with the overlapping dialogue I have trouble with. Most of the characters have repeating dialogue, with maybe just one word or the number of times words are repeated each time changing. We haven't rehearsed it together enough. Crud. Once again I am sick. Wonder what that's all about?  Maybe I should stop drinking that juice with chia seeds. Will make for a fun bus ride. I should probably pack my props and performance clothes now.

Hacked back a blackberry bush last night, the yard waste bin is full. There were ants on the plants, and when I went to the grocery store later, I picked an ant off of my neck while I was talking to one of the food prep guys. It was probably the only one, but for the rest of the evening I felt like I had bugs crawling on me. I still feel like I have bugs crawling on me.

I need to check the bus schedule. I turned down a ride to the concert because it was really early, but I wonder if riding the bus will give me enough time to change and warm up vocally? I don't want to wear this dress on the bus.

Here's a picture of the western sky last night. Lots of interesting clouds. That one cloud in the middle first reminded me of a dove and then a dragon. There's a sun dog, too. Time to go.
Western Sky/L. Herlevi 2013

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