Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spider in my hair

Walked to and from clown meeting, only three of us showed up, but we decided to try to pull something together with our group since we just had a bonding experience. We have the option of meeting with another group, and all three of us were also open to doing that. I think there needs to be a critical mass.

When I finally got back home, I looked in the bathroom mirror and realized I had a wood spider hanging off of my ear. I walked through some trees about an hour ago, wonder how long it had been on my head? I did make an involuntary scream-like sound and knock it off of me when I saw it, but then put it outside. We have another one in a kitchen cabinet. That one is getting large, it really shouldn't be in the house.

Great Blue Heron/L. Herlevi 2013

I was having my once-every-few-month's freak out this morning. I'm fine now, emotionally.

I passed a soccer match on my way home, the blowing whistle of the referee drifted and dissipated like smoke. What I want from this continued practice is connection with the audience, and that I can figure out how to improve both that and the way I exit, keeping the energy of the stage; figure out why it doesn't register now. Keep the vulnerability open-it's hard won. That's my number one reason for wanting to continue doing this work on a regular basis. I commented to the other two today that there was a point that I almost lost it in class, but George backed away from it, he must've sensed he'd hit something. I think I woulda' cried all night had he not changed the tactic. Very grateful. That said, might very well come up in Meisner. Related to what came up in singing class, and I cried for a couple of days after that.

I was panicking earlier today because I don't have enough character work done for the play. I'll have to make my best guess, there isn't alot of background info in the play itself. Need to be in agreement with scene partner regarding ages, how we met, where we are from, etc, and then write in my own backstory. I need a reason, or I'm only reacting to what she (scene partner) does, which might be a bit shallow. She's (my character) got her reasons for why the scene is taking place...I need to find them. Soon. (My mom just called, to ask me how the clown class went and to tell me she saw a picture of a protester that looked like me. I told her about the play. She laughed. I would invite her if she lived here. She also asked me how I was going to use the clown...worth considering an answer for, I didn't have one to give. Still digesting.)

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