Monday, August 26, 2013

While walking back home

Just a thought. Maybe it would be nice if we took enough interest in other people that we could ask them about themselves when they make the effort to ask us about ourselves. Sometimes we try so hard to get someone to like us that we forget to get to know anything about them to see if they are someone we even want to know. You can know a lot about a person, while they know next to nothing about you. They never bother to ask. (Or visa-versa, it's sounds awkward to reword it. "You" isn't anyone in particular.) Getting to know someone is a partner dance, not a solo performance.

Crap. Our alarms have been going off/on for the past hour. Someone, who is not home, and who's door is locked, needs to change a battery, so we can't do anything about it. And someone else tried taking their own battery out, and now that's broken, so it's the incessant "battery needs changing" beeping. I'd go sleep in the living room, where there isn't an alarm, but I suspect there are ants. It's 4 am.

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