Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Raccoons, but no shooting stars

Tired. The air was still warm when we got out of rehearsal, but there was a low-hanging coolness that smelled of the sea. It even managed to work it's way into the tunnel. I caught the third bus because I missed the first and the second was late and doesn't go close enough at this hour. Even though my bus was 10 minutes behind that one, it caught up because it didn't have to pick anyone up.

I looked for shooting stars as I walked home. Saw the Big Dipper, it's one of three constellations I can identify, the other two being the Little Dipper and Orion, but no shooting stars. As I got closer to home, I saw two mid-sized raccoons lumping their way across the busy street, moving toward my house. I like them, from a distance.

We worked our scene tonight. It's longer and has a lot more blocking than I thought. It was very hot: the play takes place in winter and we had winter clothing on, and the rehearsal space was hot. Two of my shirts were soaked. I really need to get my lines down, it was hard to block holding a script. We need to be off-book by next rehearsal. The kissing is not my biggest issue, I have other things I need to work on that will be harder, but the physical training is proving helpful, it's good that they overlapped.

Also, need to talk to more people about the Meisner year. I don't have a good sense of what exactly it offers (compared to other training), if it's what I need, and what the actual time committment is. And with the latter, I am willing to give up the rest of my life for the next nine months, but I want to know I'm getting the training that's right for me at this time, that will move me forward. (The things I will give up are important to me-such as singing, and I barely see anyone outside of work or school now.) I question this because doing more clown and improv might be more helpful for me, it's what has helped me this year. Although, I need to work on speaking, and there are other aspects of working with text that I managed to not get that other people have, and my director has to explain to me what he's talking about. (The curriculum needs to be more uniform overall.) I spoke briefly with someone that dropped out of Meisner, he made me concerned about outside committment requirements, but again, I need to talk to more people. I'm less than 99% sure now.  I remember now that in every course evaluation I filled out over the past year I added that they should offer clown again. Still don't remember why.

I'm hungry, and I'm somehow craving tartar sauce with dill in it...must be the picture of a fish I just saw.

I got a notice from the library that I got the book back. The same book. The next day.

Here's a link to Star Sign by Teenage Fanclub (sounds a bit wonky)

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