Monday, August 5, 2013

Too much empty garden space

Parts of the bottom of my feet feel raw and hot from the shoes I had on earlier, I didn't even walk much in them. I actually went barefoot for awhile, in the grass. I was thinking it's funny that I have a different standard for things when I travel, including hiking, than I do when I'm in my hometown. I'm completely aware of the switch in thinking, but I still make the distinction. I will walk barefoot more when I travel; I will use barely clean silverware (meaning not actually cleaned); I will eat stuff I've been carrying around all day (that should have been refrigerated); my levels of what I consider "sanitary" go out the window. I'm not sure why. Anyway, I was thinking that I hardly ever walk around barefoot  here, and almost always do when I travel...there is the factor that it feels good on sore feet to be barefoot, and when I travel, I often have sore feet. I walk alot.

Went to water, not sure if the beans are gonna make it. The rain last week helped, but only a couple have sprouted, and something ate most of those leaves off. Half my garden is bare, I really need to get something to grow, it's hard to even find seeds in the stores, they say it's too late in the season to start from seeds. I ate an almost ripe tomato, because I never get them. It was good, a little bit sour, but good. One of the plants has some sorta' wilt, I picked off those "branches" and am hoping it's slow to spread. I have six tomato plants and one jalepeño, which is also miraculously producing. I need to look up what these tomatoes are supposed to look like when ripe 'cos I have no idea. I always buy the weird ones.  I have an affinity for unusual plant cultivars, and they are less likely to get pilferred.  I'll give them away anyway (I probably can't eat them anymore), but I want to pick them. I want to have the experience seeing something I grew ripen. Plants grow in spite of me. The only things I've actually gotten to grow well are: artichokes, cauliflower (don't understand that one-should be difficult, but grows for me), and turban squash (it was beautiful)...oh, and parsley.

Dang! That's actually a blister, and my clown skirt smell like unpleasant laundry detergent. No, I have never washed it, I wore so much under it, I didn't think it mattered, and I spent all my quarters washing dark clothes. Time to memorize lines, I think. I hope the spider I just lifted out of the bathtub doesn't pay me a visit. It momentarily meandered off in a different direction.  I know they're here, but I prefer not to see them in my room.

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