Saturday, August 3, 2013

Three hours until rehearsal

Barely got any of the script memorized, I don't know if we will work on our scene today or not, it's the last one, but we will probably all be in the room for the whole six hours. I thought I heard birds singing a little while ago, but when I opened my window, there was only silence. Some geese had flown over in the distance, and a baby crow cawed across the street once or twice, and then a truck rattled past, but no robins or sparrows are singing here now.

There are these free late afternoon (live music) shows on Friday nights in August at Seattle Center. I was gonna go last night, but thought it would be better if I worked on memorizing my lines, plus I'm still really tired and I wanted a nap. I ended up reading about half of Art and Fear, and then came home to take a nap, but didn't get back up until now. I've got three hours. There's not really alot of text, the script is kinda' cluttered with so much stage direction that it's hard to find the lines. I've actually crossed most of it out. I want to get the lines down though, so I can work on the changes, figure out what I want moment to moment (I think we decided there were 20 beats.) I'm not sure what I want overall, I must want something. The lines feel reactionary, not assertive. The play is about love, in a general sense, so that would be a big overriding theme, but not specific in the scene.  I know I just said I wasn't going to discuss the show, but all this is so general to any process, it's not specific about this rehearsal and show.

I need to journal too, to figure out more about my character. I can't hold a pen right now, which is why I'm typing, my hand is really bad this morning: swollen, painful, has been most of the week. I need to find a doctor I can work on this food intolerance thing with. There have to be foods that don't freak out my immune system. I think I know what set this off, but I don't know how to heal it. I know it's possible, but I want to find someone that knows what they are doing, that regularly works with this. The regular doctors only offer drugs, which work on the symptoms, but that's not exactly the same as being healed.

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