Saturday, August 3, 2013

Need groceries

But I don't feel like going right now. I just want to say that it's funny that I'm way more concerned about my breath kissing a girl than I ever am kissing a guy...what's up with that? It might be because I know I will kiss her, because it's in the script, whereas when I'm on a date with a guy, I don't necessarily know that I will. It's interesting. I was like, "oh, shit. I shouldn't have had coffee."

And for the record, ain't no glamour in making art. Lots of repetition of scales, dance moves, lines spoken, lines drawn, pots thrown, film developed, cleaning of brushes, interviews and drafts and rewrites, etc. Maybe a brief interlude to burn or shine, and then back to the grind or to waiting for it to be your turn. (And the pay is lousy, for the amount of work done.) It's like any other job. But you do it because you have to. Something inside would rather die than not do it. And if you have to do it, there are moments where some part of you is fully alive like it is in no other moment. So you plod on.

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