Monday, August 19, 2013


I know I said earlier that I wished that I had more in the show, but I take that back: I'm having a hard enough time trying to find this character, that I'm glad I don't have to do another one. That was just an ego thing. There's so much going on in this scene. I hope I can pull it off, definitely more than I am now. She's complicated. I've been thinking about her for the last hour (because I'm sitting here waiting for a recycling bin delivery.) And I need to connect all of the internal life with the physical movements, and there are a lot of those. It's good. I'm glad I got this part now, but since I invited people, I want to do well by it. Someone told me yesterday that it doesn't matter what the show is, or how good it is; that the people that come are there to bear witness to the work you did.  Or something like that. I wish I could remember it better, I liked it, it was very generous. And then I have to find the other character, so that I can bring that across in one minute for the audition. One minute out of four hours, and it's all I can think about. One minute. I dreamt about the audition last night. Dreamt that there were only two won't really be either of them.

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