Thursday, August 29, 2013

Heavy, heavy rain

The weather gages are saying less than an inch of rain, but I don't think those are right. It dumped for a good half hour or more. It started to rain when I left work at 5 pm, as usual. I was walking slowly, enjoying the sound of the rain hitting the leaves. After a few minutes, I saw lightning, ten seconds 'til the thunder, is that ten miles? I ducked into a restaurant nearby and then it just started dumping. The rain cut off the satellite service to the restaurant and then shortly thereafter, water started dripping from the ceiling. I pointed it out and the manager commented that he didn't understand the concept of flat roofs in a place that rains so much. Good point. It was a river outside, even after the rain stopped.

I knew it would flood the basement at home. I got home about an hour ago, and have since bailed out the drain, and cleaned the mud out, and then just got finished wiping up the floor. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it's annoying that it's the third or fourth time this year. They had all summer to fix the gutters, but they haven't. Thankfully, neither the front porch nor the kitchen ceilings leaked. (But those are both from the gutters backing up.) It's still really humid, so the floor is not drying.

Ick. I need to take a shower now, and then work on the monologue. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's what I'm going with, so I've gotta make it work.

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