Saturday, August 17, 2013


My fingers are sticking to the keyboard. Ick. Says it's only 60% humidity, but everything feels sticky. The air-conditioning was on and the windows were open on the bus, which thankfully travelled at freeway speeds; that offered some relief. But as I read, my hands still stuck to the book that I held.

Finally was able to find copy of play I was looking for at the Central Library.
Central Library/L Herlevi 2013
At first it didn't look like I would be able to check it out, said that it was "in-library use only, " but the first reference librarian said to go ask upstairs anyway, and the second librarian found a copy in an anthology that I could check out. I need to spend more time up there, lots of theatre stuff. Walked the stairs down to the exit, every section smelling slightly different than the last, the result of different papers? glues? storage sites? So excited to get to the exit, I almost walked out without checking the book out. I've been pretty spacey all day, almost walked in front of a bus earlier, because I only actually bothered to check traffic in one direction on a two-way street before crossing. I was late for rehearsal.

Oh, so much more work to do! I think I now have a little bit more figured out, but my energy level needs to go up to about a five or a was hovering at two or three. It'll happen. Got a lot of internal work to do still, but we have all week off, and then 20 hours the following week and then we are at tech week. Shit. That's soon. After tomorrow, that's all I'm doing, besides work. I have singing and a clown thing tomorrow, and then a singing rehearsal for a performance I'm still iffy about, on Monday (that's usually only 1 1/2 hours, and we've done all the music before.) Our scene is the most physical, I think we have the blocking now, we could rehearse on our own, and we will at some point this week. I had both air-conditioners blasting, but we had layers and layers of winter clothing on...everything was drenched. I think my jacket is good for 10-20 degrees for warmth, so, really warm in 70 + degrees, moving around.

They tore out all the street roses near the bus stop. I loved the way they smelt. Now it's just a pile of dirt. Ah, progress. Time to finish reading the play and to write a life. Ciao.

Hmm. I have no upper singing range.  None.  Interesting.

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