Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday, run-thru

Woke up at 5:30 am to hear the puzzle on NPR (which I had somehow forgotten about how much I enjoy.) Fell back asleep and in a dream, I was with a bunch of people staying at a house, there were also other guests there (like at a bed and breakfast) that we were helping. They wanted a bunch of orchid plants for something, and I was running around looking to see if there were any in the house. Then we were sitting around in a living room and suddenly I had a mouthful of ground glass, and I couldn't figure out how to get it out, I was trying to rinse it out with water, but there just kept being more, and it was sticking in my mouth. Obviously, I couldn't swallow it, and I was getting really thirsty. I thought slippery elm or aloe would help, but since I was at someone else's house, I didn't think there would be any there. Then I realized I was kinda' near my dentist's office and I thought I could get there and they could use the water and suction thing to get it out. I didn't seem to want to tell anyone. I woke up before it got solved. Had to convince myself that there was no way I actually had ground-up glass in my mouth. There was also something about film development in the dream, I was picking up film from a lab, but they had cut it up and it wasn't dry, and I was wondering if I actually had to pay them for it.

Rehearsal went better today, guess it just needs to keep being run. We got through the whole run, with transitions. I felt better about it, he didn't have unexpected notes to give us, my energy was up on the exit, but can go higher, I'm swallowing a couple of lines that need to be heard, etc. Since it's last, I kept getting more and more nervous about it not being ready, but the only way it's gonna be ready is to run it. Saturday night is sold out. It's a small venue, but it's still nice. Got my monologue under one minute, but have lots of work to do on it. No rehearsal tomorrow, so it's really work on that, submit the application and do laundry. Feeling okay.

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