Friday, October 4, 2013

Early, awake and sad

Oh, man, just woke up heartbroken. Had two sad dreams in a row, two involved him and he was cordial, but really wouldn't make an effort to talk to me without prodding, the first he was driving me home from somewhere, then he turned into another friend who was trying to get directions on a smartphone; the second was actually a super sad dream about a relative I was trying to carry on my back and trying to convince them to wait somewhere and I would come back for them, but they didn't want to (and I don't blame them, everywhere was a bit sketchy, but I couldn't carry them on the steep hill going down or coming back), and then we were suddenly watching a play and he was there with a woman (there was no point for us to go to the play or for him to appear in the dream, it's my subconscious messing with me), who leaned over to the side really far to be cute or clever and pushed him into my relative, so I went and sat between he and the relative so he wouldn't fall on them. I think the play was a farce, and at an intermission the relative tried to get a program, but couldn't read it because the font was too small, and I woke up with them trying to explain how they were gonna try to copy it larger later or something, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. The atmosphere was kinda' gloomy in both. I don't know why we parked so far away. And we weren't there to go to the play, not really sure how we ended up there. I was trying to get to a house to move out of it. Yesterday, I woke up from nightmares. I haven't remembered my dreams in a while, about as long as I haven't seen a robin, these were pretty vivid. I was happy enough when I went to sleep last night, stressed out the night before. Have a long day today (all of it good things.)  Might as well get it started.

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