Friday, October 25, 2013

Not yet midnight

I think we are lucky to be able to experience even just the smallest bit of so many different cultures, to find an awareness of what makes us all unique as well as how we are the same. That's all.

The concert was great. She owned that room, as well as the stage. There was supposed to be an intermission, but they ended up playing straight for around two hours.  At one point before an encore, she ditched all the amplification and just sang out to the room.  And her musicians were just ridiculous.  Geez. I don't think I've ever seen anyone play guitar that effortlessly, it was like he was the guitar. Crazy. Her photos make her (Mariza) look intimidating to me, but live, she came across as very charming. And kudos to the audience for 1) keeping the cell phones off after being asked; and 2) really being into the show: when there was silence in the music, you coulda' heard a pin drop in the room, which is rare, and awesome.

Came across two other acting books while wandering around waiting for the doors to open: Richard Brestoff Acting Under the Circumstances-variations on a theme of Stanislavski, and Michael Chekhov's To the Actor. I've read the first couple chapters of the Brestoff, but am going to start reading a play before I go any further with it, it gives advice on how to approach a play to put yourself in it.  I had just started the Chekhov when I realized it was time to go to the show. The first bit deals with the body and psychology. Brestoff explains exercises I've done, only moreso, i.e., they make more sense to me now, but it probably helps to have done them, and  to do them again.

I should sleep. I have to get up early and shore up the parts of my life that are currently in the process of disintegrating from neglect. Something had to give.

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