Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday afternoon

Doing laundry. Once again, did not make it to the Frye. I had gone to the Farmer's Market and then to meet with a classmate and then to look for a book I want to do a monologue out of, and to price shoes, and to Goodwill, and to the library and then home. Laundry is mostly for the sweaters I found at Goodwill.

Did not find the Stanislavski book I was looking for, the library had been rearranged, and there are a lot fewer books in it. In the spot where I expected to find the Stanislavski book, I found Bruce Lee's Artist of Life, which I checked out.  First book I saw. A lot of synchronicity with him over the past week, I think the time is right for him to be a new teacher to me. Feel chased into it, as sometimes happens: chased to J, to D, to France (which probably saved my life...there was a storm on the trail I had planned on walking, and somebody died, I've mentioned that elsewhere. I started the trip a week later than originally planned and from a different city), chased to Spain, to Lourdes, to Fatima, and always to Seattle. It's funny, his philosophy is similar to the text I'm reading for class, though different culture, and similar to what we are learning in class. So, the timing is good. I'm open to it. And he's easier for me to understand than the other writer is. It might not be fair to say, but it feels like the motivations are different: Bruce wants to teach, to share, while the other writer seems to want only to share his experience. There is a subtle difference.

With each teacher I've had over the past year, I feel I'm getting pushed more and more along some personal journey; this would be outside of the theatre work, I'm learning that too, but there is this other journey underneath that. With most of them, I've taken the teaching and moved on, one I haven't been able to, the "lesson" is too tangled up with past energy for me, and it's hard to unravel, and I want to: I'm tired of facing it. It's come up a lot. Hopefully I'll end up more enlightened at some point:) Anyway, all of them have given me a permission of some sort that, being the perfectionist that I am, I've needed to get on with it. To get unstuck. I am grateful for all of them.

Time for housecleaning.

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