Monday, October 28, 2013

New Monday

Actually, my problem isn't coming up with tasks, it's thinking of a compelling reason behind doing them. And my panic is from being an introvert; sometimes it's all so overwhelming.

It's chilly, sunny and breezy.  The sun was rising as I was waiting at the bus stop, the snow I saw before on the western mountains, seems to have melted again: they appear as a blue outline in the shape of mountains in the low light, a couple of small glaciers visible, but mostly lacking any detail. At lunch the world feels vibrant and the increasing wind brings an energetic relief after all the stagnation as of late.

I got up early enough to cook. Made more of the butternut squash, with onion, garlic, some Andouille sausage from a local farm, sage ( I have a massive sage plant), and then because I wanted it to cook without burning, poured some leftover broth on it when I added the squash and put a plate over it. When I came back to check on it, the broth had been absorbed and the squash was soft and a little caramelized.  The bonus was that nothing stuck to the pan (cast iron), so it was easy to clean. The squash was really tasty, wish I'd made more of it. I've hardly been cooking as I've hardly been home lately, but have food on the brain most of the time now, when I don't have to be thinking of other things. I like to cook, and I usually like my own cooking.  (If I want soup, I have to make it myself, as most commercially made soup uses potato starch to thicken it, and I can't eat that anymore.)

Man! it's pretty out right now. I wonder if I can still get a pumpkin anywhere? Last year I had to use a pie pumpkin for carving because all the stores had run out of the other type...I like jack-o-lanterns, they charm me.

I still get phone messages coming into my email account, when I do a search on the app, it says it's legit, but I still don't open them, I think they are how the virus got onto my computer. Just of the record...if there's a real message in there, I'm not receiving it.

If there's a choice between love and fear (and let's face it, that's always the choice) choose love. Hold it. Stay with it. There's a lot going on, not all of it good, stick with love. Just stick with it. Some people think it might get a little rocky in the world, but may the just, kind, fair, altruistic, and cool-headed rule the day.

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