Wednesday, October 23, 2013


By the time I went to lunch yesterday, the fog had been swept down to the horizon, clear blue sky above me and warm. When I left work, the sky was full of crows, diving and spinning in the air, evening play before making their way to the nightly roosts.  I caught a bus going southbound, as we crossed over the bridge, I could see the fog as it hung, lingering in the cool, low places, waiting for nightfall in order to seep back in over the streets and around the buildings.

It was only overcast in the city when I left rehearsal. I dozed on the bus, that half-waking sleep, with a succession of mountingly strange dreams, until I forced myself to stay awake so as to not miss my stop. Walking home, visibility was down to a few blocks. The air was wet, the low clouds softly billowed in on imperceptible breezes, like puffs of visible breaths.

In the morning, the ground is wet, the remaining leaves, dripping. Visibility down to two blocks, then one. The air is wet and cold; humidity, not oppressive as in summer.

I briefly broke through a wall last night (I didn't have a confrontation, but I let myself be affected), during an imaginary circumstance exercise with my partner, mostly due to external circumstances. Definitely felt an impulse to move, actually fought it for a while, but finally gave in...I hope it happens again. I am enjoying working with her.

I finished the book.

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