Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday (Homecoming)

Once again, have a Loverboy song stuck in my head. (Everybody's Working for the Weekend, for the record.) Reminds me of a French-Canadian house-mate I used to live with, I actually have the 7" somewhere, I was going to send to him after he moved, but never got a hold of his address.

This is a live video (not from my computer), of Loverboy at EXPO '86 in Vancouver...they actually sound pretty good live. Apparently, I'm on some sorta' Canadian thing this week. (Loverboy, Everybody's Working for the Weekend.)

I'm blank. I'm all over the place today. Just stood in a really long line 2x for a $1 hot dog, the first time for the hot dog, the second time because I wanted to donate money (for a student endowment fund) and they didn't have change, plus I didn't have anything better to do and there was a band playing that I wanted to listen to next to the line. (It's homecoming, plus our 152nd anniversary.)

Trying to get a comp ticket to MOMIX next weekend ( though I suspect it might sell out, since it's an all-ages performance. Keeping my fingers crossed. She won't know until next week. Going to a Fado concert tonight, and a throat-singing style concert in a couple of weeks (I bought the series last year because I wanted to keep my seat, and in theory, you can exchange tickets for other shows.) We do this vocal warm-up in class that is similar to the where throat singing comes from. I don't do it at home, 'cos it might freak out my house-mates, but even just doing it in class 2x/week has helped my singing ability. I'm no where near the control I'd like to have vocally, but my range and strength have vastly improved, especially on the really high notes (G, A, B), I feel like I have more control up there, and I'm straining less.

Heard drums playing through my window panes, and went over to witness the ground-breaking ceremony for a longhouse. Had the privilege of experiencing two powerful songs. The second of which, the presenter of the song asked that it not be recorded in any way, not be shared, but just be meant as medicine for the people present.  I believe that his wishes were honored.  May you all find authentic power here.  May your cultures thrive.

I feel lucky and happy to be here now.

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