Sunday, October 20, 2013

Virus are us

Spent most of yesterday trying clean up my computer, which has been infected with something. Possibly stealing passwords. I'll have to take it somewhere. Really slows it down. Anyway, no links to anything still.  And speaking of viruses, my friend mentioned that  she'd heard that this vertigo deal is actually some sorta' virus that affects the inner ear. She mentioned she has had it, as well as a bunch of people she knows.  Not sure if I'm relieved or concerned there.

The opera tickets I won from Arts Crush were for Cornish College's production of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme by Jean-Baptiste Lully and Moliere. I couldn't always follow the story, though it all came together in the second half. I think the idea was that the main character (new rich, putting on airs) Monsieur Jourdain was supposed to be a buffoon, but that actor played him in such a way that I had a sympathetic bend toward him. And he was my favorite character. Everyone else came across as conniving and shrill toward him (which might have been the point, to point out how he is a fool), but it only served to make me like him more. My friend described it as a farce when I pointed out the clownishness of the performance, which I really enjoyed. And the singing, set, movement, performances were all good (even with the occasional dropped lines.) My friend drove me home which was great, there was a Kanye West concert next door, and I think busses would have been packed.  As it was, even with the ride, it was after 11pm when I got home.

Feeling lots of resistance to Meisner. Dread the five upcoming hours. I hope I have a breakthough. My computer might be a goner.  Will have someone look at it tomorrow.

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