Tuesday, November 19, 2013

One left for the quarter after today

Got up at 5 am to make this thing for the task, as I took a nap when I got home last night and then didn't feel like doing anything else.  Took three hours from the time I started 'til I got out the door.  Again, one of those days where I need to figure out how I'm going to get to class: I'm carrying a lot.  My fantasies are too pedestrian right now, totally not big enough.  I really should do a revenge task, just can't think of anything when I try, because it's not something we are supposed to do in real life, and the censor is pretty strong on that, for me.

Both of us have had similar feedback, so it's always interesting to see how it will play out.  I don't know when he's coming to the door, and neither of us have a clue what each other's state of mind will be when I open the door, and you know, that's fun.  Will try to be totally present (which is the point and somehow also the struggle), let it go where it will.  Maybe it's okay that I'm in a "laughing" phase as opposed to an "angry" phase...it's all legitimate, if it's genuine. (Really concerned about not coming across "robotically," and I think that takes me out of the present.  I tend to get almost manic with him, so keeping my fingers crossed that it's more that way than the other.)

So, the horoscope(s) today collectively said the following things, in various places: "Trust a partner's suggestion; Make a fool of yourself if necessary; Why is more important than what; and Are you acting out of obligation, artistic expression, affection or compassion? Your results will change with your intention."  Is everybody studying Meisner now?  Totally applies, but also, good general advice for life.

Ooh, just thought of a revenge task.

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