Thursday, November 7, 2013

Silly movie plot

It's the you get off the bus, I get on it at the next stop; you walk into the library on the third floor while I'm exiting on the fourth; then we're about to bump into each other on the street, but someone stops me to ask for directions and you walk around the corner.  And I'm aware of some of it, so it feels like I'm watching it happen.  How does it end?  How do I want it to end?  (Yes, Serendipity is playing through my head.)

It's stormy out.  Just had a dark(er) cloud pass over and now the wind is picking up; friend's convention is here during a stereotypical week. (More exciting than constant, oppressive grey, though.)  I haven't come up with a task (or a circumstance to go along with it) yet, though I have come up with the circumstance for when I'm the person who knocks at the door.  We don't have a relationship yet either, but I'm meeting with her today, so maybe we can start that. That's sounds odd...we're sisters, enemies, lovers, mother/daughter, ex-best friends, best friends, cousins, stepsisters, estranged friends, college roommates, etc... that's what I mean. Got less than three days, nothing like pressure, and waiting until the last minute. (I have a running list of tasks, but can't match them with a "life altering" circumstance. I always end up changing it right before, but that's okay. It's more of a matter of having everything I need to do the task, and getting it to the studio on the bus, which is harder to do on a week day, as you're lucky if you can get a seat, much less haul a bunch of stuff around.  I should start volunteering to do my tasks on Sundays when the bus is less full, and drops me off closer to the studio.)

I kinda' looked like a dude when I left the house this morning, I walked back in and put on lipstick.  I find it kinda' embarrassing still to be mistaken for a boy.  I mostly cared because I had to go to the grocery store on the way to work.  They know me there, so it wouldn't have mattered; I'm there all the time.  Ego.  The wind and the rain messed with my hair and my face and I no longer look masculine.  Ego.

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